
Know how your smartglass work.

Audio system with Open ear speaker system

immersive augmented audio experience with directional audio, tailoring music, audio books and voice AI interactions exclusively for the wearer.

Magnetic Hinge design

Effortlessly switch to new frames with different lenses at your convenience with our magnetic swappable hinge design.

Smart Temples
Mems Microphone
Easy Touch controls
Now add lenses to your Spectunes.

Uncover Spectunes in various ways.

Dont miss out on the voice assistance era


Learn all about Spectunes

Go to Store

Get ready for the #smarteryou

Make the best of your calls and videocalls directly on your Smart glasses.
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Hassle free without using hands,etc test testtest test test test test test test test test test test test
Tune into your playlists or podcasts while being spatially aware of your surroudings.
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Hassle free without using hands,etc test testtest test test test test test test test test test test test
Go crazy on gaming anywhere while being aware of your surroundings.
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Hassle free without using hands,etc test testtest test test test test test test test test test test test
Voice Assistance
Stay confident everywhere everytime with your VoiceAI.
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Hassle free without using hands,etc test testtest test test test test test test test test test test test
Protect yourself while you travel with audio assisted navigation.
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Hassle free without using hands,etc test testtest test test test test test test test test test test test
Stay trendy everytime everywhere with swappable variety of frames.
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Eye Protection
Shield your eyes everywhere with suitable frames.
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Hassle free without using hands,etc test testtest test test test test test test test test test test test
Ear Safety
Don't be among the 1Bn people that is already under ear-hearing loss risk.
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